
The undergraduate division of the Department of Computer Science was established in 1993, and a Master’s program was introduced in 1999. The Department focuses on the theories and techniques of information technology with an emphasis on interdisciplinary applications. 

Combined with an Executive Master Program and a Doctoral program, we have just over 20 instructors and 300 students in whole. Our teachers specialize in artificial intelligence, multimedia data, human–Computer interface, computer animation, network communications, and information security, etc. 

With our unique position in a school of humanities, our department offers a specially designed curriculum of second specialty programs, an example of which is the Program of Digital Content, the result of our collaboration with the College of Communications. 

Our Master's program accepts students of all backgrounds, conducting not only theoretical and technical courses, but also courses in interdisciplinary areas such as media communications, law, public administration, and economics. 

We will continue to train individuals who will strengthen Taiwan's international competitiveness and educate professionals equipped with interdisciplinary computer science abilities.