112/03/09 Collaborative Edge Computing, or How I Stop Worrying and Try Machine Learning

時間:112年3月9日(星期四) 15:00-17:00


主持人:郭桐惟 老師

演講者:中研院資創中心 王志宇老師

演講題目:Collaborative Edge Computing, or How I Stop Worrying and Try Machine Learning


Edge computing is an emergent architecture for computing, storage, control, and networking that distributes these services closer to end devices along the cloud-to-things continuum. The potential of edge computing will be fully exploited when the collaboration between edge instances becomes possible. In this project, we study collaborative edge computing, which could be formulated as a joint optimization problem considering the whole network edge. We propose a general-purpose collaborative edge computing system to provide network-aware, mobility-aware, and sustainability-aware ultra-low latency service in 5G networks. To improve the efficiency of the system, we introduce powerful machine learning techniques to resolve the critical yet difficult problems in the proposed system, such as pricing strategy in the cross-layer edge service and mobility prediction in mobility-aware edge services. Our approach integrates machine learning techniques with the conventional optimization architecture as an attempt to reserve the best of two worlds.