2023/12/07 【演講】Unlocking the Power of Deep Learning: A Journey through Object Detection, Image Segmentation, and Image Restoration

時間:112年12月25日(星期一) 13:10-16:00

地點:線上演講   https://meet.google.com/pja-wvro-oqn


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主持人:彭彥璁 老師

演講者:Chung-Chi Tsai, Staff Engineer, Qualcomm.

演講題目:Unlocking the Power of Deep Learning: A Journey through Object Detection, Image Segmentation, and Image Restoration



Come join us on a journey to discover the transformative applications of deep learning in object detection, image segmentation, and image restoration. These are the technologies that are shaping the future of visual understanding and enhancement.
We'll begin by exploring object detection, where deep learning models have revolutionized our ability to identify and locate objects in images and videos accurately. You'll learn about the techniques and architectures that enable efficient and precise object detection, ranging from the R-CNN family to YOLO.
Next, we'll delve into image segmentation, a critical task in understanding the fine-grained details within an image. With deep learning models, pixel-level segmentation has become possible. You'll gain insights into different segmentation methods, such as semantic and instance segmentation, and their applications.
Finally, we'll venture into image restoration, where deep learning algorithms bring new life to damaged, noisy, or low-quality images. We'll discuss how convolutional neural networks are harnessed to restore images to their pristine condition.