more: 顯示文字檔內容

cat不同的是, more是以分頁的方 式將檔案內容顯示於顯示器上, 例如我有個檔案 emacs.faqcat 看時, 檔案的內容會一次全部顯示出來, 結果我們只能看到 最後一頁的內容, 這時我們可以利用 more 做顯示的特殊處理:
[cherry:/home1/student/stud82/s8227] more emacs.faq
                       GNU Emacs FAQ: Introduction
This is the introduction to a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ)
about GNU Emacs with answers.
The FAQ is posted to reduce the noise level in the `'
newsgroup (which is also the `help-gnu-emacs' mailing list) which results
from the repetition of frequently asked questions, wrong answers to these
questions, corrections to the wrong answers, corrections to the
corrections, debate, name calling, etc.  Also, it serves as a repository of
the canonical "best" answers to these questions.  However, if you know a
better answer or even a slight change that improves an answer, please tell
If you know the answer to a question in the FAQ list, please reply to the
question by e-mail instead of posting.  Help reduce noise!
The FAQ is crossposted to `comp.emacs' because some sites do not receive
the `gnu.*' newsgroups.  The FAQ is also crossposted to `news.answers'.
Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22.

這時你可以按 'q' 結束程式, 或按 <enter> 顯示下一行, 或按 <space> 顯示下一頁.