
Path Planning in Budget-Based QoS Management for All-IP Core Networks


面對通訊與資訊科技的大幅進步、網際網路的蓬勃發展、以及電信自由化帶來的激烈競 爭,通訊網路正在進行一個巨大的變革,企圖將原有Circuit Switching 與 Packet Switching 網路整合成一個單一整合型網路-All-IP網路以支援所有的應用服務。All-IP 網路受限於封包交換網路原有的特性,有服務品質問題(QoS)有待克服,因此有必要在 All-IP網路上提供服務品質管理機制以實現整合型網路的目標。而要提供適當的QoS 管理 ,其成功之關鍵主要在於是否能提供一個簡單易行之架構。本論文先提出 BBQ(Budget-Based QoS)採用以預算為基礎之服務品質管理,BBQ提供一個高適用性的管理 架構和相關的管理工具,可適用於不同的下層網路架構和不同營運目標的網管政策。 本文中提出以路徑規劃(Path Planning)的方式作為此架構的路由方法。路徑規劃係以過 去的歷史訊務資料為基礎,為未來可能進入網路中的訊務規劃出一組具有品質要求的路徑 ,而在系統運作時,只需根據訊務的需求,指定一條符合其品質要求的路徑即可。此方法 不但可以給予進入網路的訊務絕對的服務品質保證,而且事前的運算可以免除在系統運作 時大量的計算負擔。在本論文中,我們設計了一套路徑規劃的演算法,來驗證我們的方法 之效能。而經過反覆的模擬測試,發現本路徑規劃方法的確較傳統OSPF演算法擁有較佳的 網路效能。

In response to the great progress of communications and computer technologies, aggressive deployment of broadband fiber optical network, advance of Internet technology, and the global standardization of IP technology, the telecommunication industry is moving toward a converged network, which uses a single global IP based packet-switching network to carry all types of network services. Diverse types of services demand diverse QoS requirements making it a great challenge to support potential services with guaranteed QoS on All-IP networks.

Our research group proposes a Budget-Based QoS (BBQ) management architecture to facilitate network operators of diversified networks. With BBQ management architecture, network operators can adjust their network architectures and management polities to support as many services as possible with end-to-end QoS guarantee. To reduce real-time resource reservation and computation overhead, BBQ utilizes preplaning approach to allocate resources and to plan paths (routing) for future incoming traffics.

In this thesis, based on BBQ QoS architecture, we propose a path planning methodology that integrates both centralized and distributed processes. We also developed a heuristic algorithm to solve the path planing problem (routing) under BBQ architecture.

To admit a service request during execution time, admission control component will assign a planned path that satisfy the QoS requirements to the admitted service. Under this method, absolute QoS will be guaranteed for admitted traffic. The hueristic path-planning algorithm we designed, the GPPA algorithm, takes total profit as its maximization objective and with bandwidth and quality entropy as its constraints. Through a performance evaluation using simulation method, we demonstrate that the pre-planing approach with our GPPA path-planning algorithm might outperform the real-time resource allocation approach with the traditional OSPF routing algorithm.