Timeout Example

The text value below and the status line are being updated every two seconds. Press the RESET button to restart the count, or the STOP button to stop it.


  • Source

    <HEAD><TITLE>Timeout Example</TITLE>
    var counter = 0;
    // call Update function in 2 seconds after first load
    function Update() {
       counter ++;
       window.status="The counter is now at " + counter;
       document.form1.input1.value="The counter is now at " + counter;
    // set another timeout for the next count
    <H1>Timeout Example</H1>
    The text value below and the status line are being updated every two seconds.
    Press the RESET button to restart the count, or the STOP button to stop it.
    <FORM NAME="form1">
    <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="input1" SIZE="40"><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="RESET" onClick="counter = 0;"><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="STOP" onClick="window.clearTimeout(ID);">