1. 使用紅色及藍色(綠色亦可)透明膠片各一塊,與2吋大頭照的尺寸相當即可,紅片罩住左眼,藍片罩住右眼,即成。

2. 拿一張透明膠片,約3張2吋大頭照並排的尺寸即可,拿紅藍油性筆依左紅右藍的方式塗滿,即成。(由於塗抹不均勻, 3D效果會打折扣。)

Left image is colored in red and right image is colored in Cyan. Therefore, your left eye sees only left image and right eye see only right image. This is the way 3D works. As a consequence, the brightness is way reduced because of red/cyan filter.

Furthermore, Red Cyan glasses will give you monochrome color. Because only Red color can pass red filter and only cyan color can pass cyan filter.