TAAI AI Forum 2008: Semantic Computing

Context: AI Forum 2008: Semantic Computing

Topic: Semantics in Cognition, Linguistics, Computer Science, and Reality

No one would argue against the importance of the inference about semantics for building intelligent systems. However, what does ˇ§semanticsˇ¨ really mean for humans, for computers, and even for any artifacts? In what forms do semantics exist in and/or come to our minds? How does a human being or a computing apparatus infer or compute the ˇ§meaningˇ¨ of an array of perceptual inputs? This special session dedicates to the discussion of such issues. A researcher who has focused on the research of computational linguistics, a speaker who has traced the development of semantic networks, and an investigator who has worked on the interpretation of visual information will share their viewpoints and experiences.